Aplicativo Vesper - 19 Fevereiro 2016 - APPs - Aplicativos
Vesper - Categoria: Produtividade
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Vesper is a simple and elegant tool for collecting notes, ideas, things to do — anything you want to remember. Organize your notes whatever way comes naturally to you, without complications. Vesper's focus is on how it feels to use.

• Use tags to group related notes. 

• Attach photos. 

• Drag and drop notes to reorder them — move important ones up, other ones down. 

• Swipe a note to send it to the archive. Out of sight, but remembered forever. 

• Keep notes backed up with Vesper Sync.

Novidades da versão 2.006

• Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling in longer notes.

Categoria: Produtividade | Visualizações: 272 | Adicionado por : APPs

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