Aplicativo Mr. Reader - 14 Fevereiro 2016 - APPs - Aplicativos
Mr. Reader - Categoria: Comunicação
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Mr. Reader is a RSS News Reader for your iPad that synchronizes with your Feedly, BazQux Reader, Feedbin, FeedHQ, Feed Wrangler, Fever, InoReader, Aol Reader, Feedja and SubReader account.
• Multiple accounts with separate settings
• Supports starred and tagged items (*)
• Mark items as read (single, all, older than n-days/weeks, above/below the current position)
• Mark as read while scrolling
• Search and add new feeds (*)
• Folder management (create, rename, delete) (*)
• Feed management (rename, delete, assign to folders) (*)
• Tag management (create, rename, delete, assign tags to feed items) (*)
• Reorder your folders, feeds and tags (*)
• Toggle to show only folders and feeds with unread items
• List items chronological or grouped by feeds
• Search for articles with the option to save searches
• Load more articles on request (*)
• Reading; Switch between RSS, Web, Instapaper Mobilizer, Readability Mobilizer, Pocket Mobilizer
• Customizable articles table: thumbnail size, thumbnails left/right, row height, font size, multiline titles
• Reading; Thumbpad to navigate between articles and to close the article viewer
• Automatic background synchronization (disabled by default)
• Image caching for offline reading (this applies only to the RSS view)
• 4 themes are included; additional themes can be installed from the website
• Web based theme editor, you will see every change immediately in Mr. Reader. Be creative!
• VoiceOver: To make Mr. Reader accessible for blind or nearly blind people. Suggestions are always welcome.
and some more! 

(*) depends on the used service

Supported Services: 
• iOS Share Sheet
• Open with Safari and every browser app that can be opened by a URL scheme.
• Included: Apollo Browser, Atomic Web, Coast by Opera, Dolphin Browser, Google Chrome, Grazing, iCab Mobile, Maven Web Browser+, Mercury, Opera Mini, Sleipnir
• Add to Safari Reading List
• Post to Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, App.net, StockTwits
• Add to Buffer
• Save to Delicious, Diigo, Kippt, Pinboard
• Send to Instapaper, Pocket, Readability
• Send articles to your Kindle by using Tinderizer or SENDtoREADER
• Create note in Evernote, Toodledo, Microsoft OneNote
• Post to Tumblr
• Collect YouTube and Vimeo videos by using ToWatchList
• Open articles in "any" browser by using the SendTab service
• Generic solution to open other apps by using their URL scheme
• Included: Articles, Blogsy, Drafts, HootSuite, OmniFocus, Papers, Poster, Search Google, Search Wikipedia, Terminology, Things
• Browser bookmarklets can be added and used in the web view
• Print article
• Send link by 'Message' (text message)
• Send article by mail
• Send link by mail
• Copy link
• Copy short URL to clipboard
• URL shortener: goo.gl, TinyURL, is.gd, bitly, CloudApp, YOURLS, custom

If you have any features requests, problems or questions, please contact me by mail (mrreader-app@curioustimes.de). I'm unable to respond to feedback posted in the App Store. Thank you!

Novidades da versão 3.1.9

• Adjusted for the higher screen size of the iPad Pro
• Article View: Image popup menu was not always shown
• Fixed some crashes

If you like Mr. Reader, please rate it in the App Store every time an update comes out. That helps me a lot, thank you very much!

Categoria: Comunicação | Visualizações: 313 | Adicionado por : APPs-Aplicativos

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